

/Fish and Corals/Fish of the week

The Gold Spotted Rabbitfish, aka the Gold Spotted Spinefoot, normally lives in the reefs of the Coral Sea. Their whole body is of a brown color with a lot of striking golden spots. Blue color can be also observed on their body. What’s interesting about fish is that even its eyes have these golden spots so that its eyes are not recognisable against its golden camouflage.

This species requires about 110-gallon+ aquarium. Normally they are calm and friendly, but can become a bit active and even aggressive when kept with other Rabbitfish. The Gold Spotted Rabbitfish Foxface may be housed as a pair for another Rabbitfish, or with fish which has more aggressive character. In the moment of danger they can easily freak out other fish by lifting their dorsal spines that are very sharp and make the fish look dangerous. Don’t forget to be careful while messing with Rabbitfish as it may also sting you while disturbed.

As for Rabbitfish diet, it must include many fresh vegetables and different types of algae. You should also keep an eye on this fish as it may eat certain types of soft and even hard coral polyps.

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